Every Barber Knows That

Proverbs, a genre of folklore, are simple sayings that express perceived truths based on common sense or experience.  Almost every culture has their own unique proverbs which reflect the culture’s values, morals or traditional views.  Proverbs are conveyed in an informal manner and are often passed down through generations.  Some of these old proverbs still in circulation reflect past values and now seem nonsensical.  Consider this Olde chestnut:  A rolling stone gathers no moss. So, does this mean it is good to roll (ie. moss is bad)? Or is it bad to roll (ie. gathering moss is good)?

‘Every Barber Knows That’ is a Russian proverb meaning a badly kept secret that everyone knows.  I interpret the proverb a little differently.  I am viewing it as a commentary on the secrets we try to keep and the trust we place on our secret keepers. I’ve often thought how strange it is that we sometimes confide in our personal service providers, such as hair stylists.  Maybe it has something to do with the intimacy of the activity.  Maybe there is a perceived sense of anonymity because that person usually isn’t part of our inner circle. Maybe there is nothing to hide behind other than a vinyl cape.

Every Barber Knows That, 15 x 31 inches, framed, oil and encaustic on board, copper, vintage razor
